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Ruby on Rails developer & Passionate about technology and solving problems

My journey as a developer has been nothing short of a thrilling adventure, filled with continuous growth and learning. It all began back in 2010 when I took my first steps into the world of programming. The very first programming language that I got my hands on was PHP. I remember the excitement of writing my first "Hello World" program and the sense of accomplishment that followed. It was in those early days that I realized the potential of turning lines of code into functional applications. As the years rolled on, I delved deeper into the world of web development. Around the mid-2010s, I found myself venturing into the realm of JavaScript and Node.js. It was a significant shift from PHP, and it opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Building real-time applications and server-side scripting with Node.js was a whole new ballgame, and it pushed me to refine my coding skills. However, the most significant turning point in my journey occurred towards the end of 2018 when I embarked on a new adventure by diving into the Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails framework. Ruby's elegant and concise syntax immediately appealed to me, and Rails' convention-over-configuration approach simplified the development process in a way that I hadn't experienced before. Working with Ruby and Rails allowed me to develop web applications rapidly and efficiently, and I quickly fell in love with the framework's emphasis on developer happiness. Over the years, I've continued to grow as a developer, honing my skills in various programming languages and frameworks. Each language and technology I've encountered has contributed to my knowledge and experience, making me a more versatile and well-rounded developer. Looking back at my journey, it's clear that my passion for coding has driven me to explore new horizons and embrace the ever-evolving landscape of software development. I'm excited to see where the future of technology will take me and the new languages and frameworks I'll have the opportunity to learn and master.

Developer's avatar

I'm a software developer with a focus on backend. I have more than 7 years of experience ranging from early-stage startups to mid-size companies. I love building products and automating things that make others' lives easier.

My journey into software development all began with my fascination for custom ROMs in Android. I remember being captivated by the endless possibilities and customization options they offered. It's funny how things can take an unexpected turn and lead you down a new path. That's exactly what happened to me when I got involved in developing the website for my department's symposium. It started as a simple task, but little did I know it would ignite a spark in me My professional career began at an early stage startup with close knit team of 10 developers. From day one, I was immersed in every aspect of the product development process. I learned how to translate ideas into tangible features, collaborate with designers, gather user feedback, and iterate based on market demand. Being part of such a dynamic and collaborative environment taught me invaluable lessons and shaped my mindset as a developer. Over the years, I have honed my skills and gained extensive experience in backend development One recent milestone that I am particularly proud of is my contribution to the development of a tiling window manager for Linux called Zentile. This personal project allowed me to showcase my creativity and customization skills by enhancing existing floating window managers with tiling capabilities. It has garnered over 10k downloads on GitHub, highlighting my ability to think outside the box and provide innovative solutions.


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