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Développeur RoR Sénior / Senior RoR Developer

Consultant indépendant depuis 10 ans, je suis diplôme de l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. Je suis certifié PMP, Scrum Master et Scrum Product Owner. Je travaille avec Ruby on Rails depuis 2006. Bien que j'ai occupé plusieurs fonctions au cours des ans, j'ai toujours gardé un contact avec RoR. Je un développeur full-stack donc je maîtrise aussi bien le backend (serveur) que le frontend (Fureteur). Je suis aussi en mesure d'écrire les tests RSpecs, de concevoir des pipelines pour Gitlab et faire les déploiements des applications via Kubernetes. De la conception à la livraison, je suis en mesure de prendre des projets au complet à travail les cycles de développement. Mes habilités sont dans le domaine financier, du marketing, de commerce électronique, de l'internet des objets ainsi que dans le domaine du transport. Je travaille pour que la technologie soit aux services des besoins d'affaire et non pour en faire un trip techno. Il est important de répondre rapidement aux initiatives corporatives en prévoyant les options pour le futur. I'm a indepandant consultant with 10 years of experience. I have a bachelor degree from the École Polytechnique de Montreal. I current have a PMP, Scrum Master and Scrum Product Owner certifications. I work with Ruby on Rails since 2006. While I performed many functions throughout the years, I always kept contact with RoR. I'm a full stack developer, so I know the backend as well as the frontend. I'm also able to write the RSpecs tests, design Gitlab's pipeline and deploy the application using Kubernetes. From the conception to the delivery, I am able to take a full project through it's entire life circle. I worked in the domains of finance, marketing, ecommerce, internet of things and transport. I'm working so that the technology answer business needs and not to perform any techno fantasy. It is important to answer quickly to the corporate initiatives while planning futur options.

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Passionate full-stack developer proficient in React and Ruby on Rails

Hello, I am Taiwo Adediran, a Full-stack web developer, who graduated from, Microverse a remote software development school where I and many other students from all around the world learn by collaborating and building projects ranging from simple web pages to complex web apps using JavaScript, React and Ruby-on-rails. After watching several front-end development practice videos on youtube, I fell in love with software development and I decided to enroll in a school that creates a successful path to becoming a Full-stack developer by building several projects. I have volunteered as a team member in an energy competition where we provided energy solutions for countries and made it to the semi-final stage, today I use the skill gained from these achievements and experiences like effective communication, value addition, punctuality, participation, and problem-solving in my developer journey every day. I love that as a developer, I get to meet a lot of people and I can also add value to them. I have built a couple of projects since joining Microverse, some of them include a Bookstore, a to-do application, an event website, a movie display website, and many more. In my free time, I watch anime, read books, view artwork, watch or play soccer or make artwork myself Frontend: JavaScript, React, Redux, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS Backend: Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL Tools/Methods: Git, GitHub, TDD, Chrome Dev tools, RSpec, Jest, Netlify Professional: Remote Pair-programming, Teamwork, Mentoring, Effective communication, Problem-solving Having worked with many other developers remotely and contributed to different projects using the same tools as with your company for the last six months as a software developer, I am confident that I will be a great addition to the team if given the chance. Looking for a software developer? Let's schedule a meeting. Email me at, Thank you


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