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10yr+ T-Shape Generalist | Backend/Ops/Full Stack | Bug Whisperer | Senior thru Co-Founder

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Seasoned code wrangler with over a decade in Ruby on Rails and a past life as a social worker and policy researcher. I've got a knack for translating geek speak for humans and wrangling stakeholder needs into delighted users and maintainable code. Somehow, most days, I still like my IDE. Looking to land in a place where code meets impact. Full stack developer that has spent over a decade in the Ruby/Rails ecosystem. I lean ops -> backend, but I can get in there and wrangle JS components and CSS if need be. I often wear at least a little bit of a product manager hat, have been a team lead on large projects, and I even try to remember to write documentation and technical briefs. I'm longwinded in slack, shy in person, didactic and friendly in code reviews, and occasionally down a rabbithole. Loves: Wrangling weird bugs and annoying APIs, refactoring, clear code (for the humans) and good tests (for the robots), figuring out the best places to deliver maximum impact and shipping quickly, teaching myself new things, compassionate communication and collaboration with multiple stockholders, making weird things happen in the CI pipeline Not so loves: JS in general, jerks, arrogance, watching junior developers not get the support they need and thinking it is their fault, refreshing staging for an hour wondering why my debugger isn't getting hit. -- Have worked in startups at all stages of their life cycle as both an introverted grumpy solo developer and team leader, helped make product decisions, mentored other developers, deleted prod a few times, etc. I chafe a bit at schedules, but occasionally I'll figure out a big that would have been a big problem in the future at 3am and just fix it. Love fixing those things. I can meeting during normal human hours though. -- Open to short and long term contracts and FTE for the right fit. Prefer chill flat organizations where everyone likes and respects each other and just gets stuff done. I've shipped features faster at those organizations than any that were focused on relentless hustle. -- Tell me why you believe in your tech and I'll tell you about one of my weird side projects like a Led Zeppelin button or a confessional that floats in the air. -- Have PhD level statistics classes buried in my brain somewhere, know my way around python and some data analysis, have built ETL pipelines - if it has to be done, I'll try to figure out a way to get it done. And the longer you hang around this world, you realize the most important programming language is being able to talk to people in kind and useful ways. -- Senior enough to know that sometimes it's the code you don't write that solves the problem ;) Junior enough to still get excited every time I make LEDs blink with magic words.

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Full-Stack | Ruby On Rails | Hotwire | Turbo | Stimulus | TailwindCSS Engineer | VIM

How I can help you I am a Rails and PostgreSQL expert. That means that I am very familiar doing things the rails way. There are things that you can only learn from being in a career for so fifteen years. I call it hidden knowledge. At some point you develop a sixth sense for when and how deep to test, which refactors are necessary, a set of practices for handling ActiveRecord associations. Passions I believe that an expert developer is a unique asset to a company as they can drastically change its course. I like working with startups, and I have 15 years of tips, tricks, techniques, strategies from a technical perspective as well as an business/operational perspective. Developer origin story I spent a bunch of time on linux and building out my home network. I've always had a love for this craft. I started building robots, then teaching middle and high schoolers how to build and program robots, while managing my own self hosted networks and distro-hopping linux flavors Unique skills that make me awesome I've written custom PostgreSQL extensions You'll notice with me that I am very quick on the keyboard, and between the well placed lame jokes, combined surgically precise problem solving, I have consistently told me that I am a pleasure to work with. Core Skills ⌨️ Tech skills: - Ruby / Ruby on Rails / Rspec - Javascript / Stimulus.js / Turbo / React / AlpineJS - PostgreSQL / Redis / Sidekiq / Goodjob - Heroku / Github / AWS - View components / Tailwind / Bootstrap - Neovim Ninja Startups I built and sold directmailer.io, a direct mailer marketing platform that provides modern marketing conveniences to a legacy channel. Adheres to compliance within certain verticals, and provides deep integration like you're used to in SEO. I was hired to build the core infrastructure for floridahomesteadcheck.com, a property tax analysis tool that guarantees the lowest property taxes for Florida residents. You have an idea worth building

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Software development expert with 20+ years of experience, including team management.

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Built and designed several Rails applications since 2008. Some example clients where I've contributed to their commercial platform: BraveWriter - A homeschool grammar and English literature classroom forum with annual sales of > $1M. Built an integrated ecommerce support for processing semester registration. https://bravewriter.com Anddit - A non-profit portal for connecting people in need underwritten by a biopharmaceutical company. Original site design and architecture. https://anddit.com/ Spoonflower - The original print-on-demand for fabric enterprise. Trained (refactoring, TDD) and consulted for the engineering team, as well as migrated the original Rails infrastructure through several versions. https://www.spoonflower.com/ RedHat - contributed as a member of the Katello plugin (https://theforeman.org/plugins/katello/), a Rails engine for Foreman server management application as a Senior Software Developer at RedHat. This included both active development as an individual contributor, but also reviewing and managing contributions from the open source community. I recently built a JIRA plugin for schedule forecasting Kanban teams, written of course in Rails! This plugin does simple date estimations to help teams realize the velocity of their Kanban board. https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1232566/issue-forecast?hosting=cloud&tab=overview I've had experience as both an individual contributor as as a team manager/lead.

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Software Engineering Leader | Ruby on Rails Expert

With over two decades of experience in web application development and a passion for Ruby on Rails, I have carved a niche in creating lean, efficient teams and scalable software. My journey in the tech world is more than just a career; it's a commitment to excellence in coding, a dedication to collaborative innovation, and a continuous pursuit of elegant solutions. Key Skills: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL Additional Proficiencies: Docker, AWS, Tailwind, Postman Professional Highlights 24+ years in Web Application Development Specializing in Ruby on Rails for the past 11 years, I have honed my skills in building robust, efficient, and scalable web applications. My expertise lies in not just coding, but in leading teams to achieve collective goals. Leadership at Various Levels From Manager to VP of Engineering, I have led diverse teams in startups and established companies. My leadership style is rooted in collaboration, innovation, and a strong belief in quality code and testing. A Proven Track Record of Success At Gig Wage, I played a pivotal role in increasing revenue by 10x through strategic product development and moving to a microservice architecture. My approach always balances business needs with technical excellence. Active Coder and Mentor Even in leadership roles, I've stayed hands-on with coding (up to 50% of my time), ensuring that I stay connected with the core of software development – solving problems through code.

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Ruby on Rails Developer

I am a self-taught career changer. After several years of learning ruby, rails, and coding as a hobby, I decided it was time to make this my full time job. I love creative thinking combined with logic to build a product. I want to make meaningful products that serve people. I want to be challenged and grow. I want to work with a team of people where I’m a good fit. PROFESSIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Created a stats dashboard for the home page, squashed bugs, and have implemented a variety of other features at Fist Bump (getfistbumps.com) Updated NativeAmerica.travel built with Rails / React. Also updated the app from Rails 4.2 to Rails 6. Earned a Ruby on Rails certification at Learn Enough Training Learn Enough to Be Dangerous Contributed to Ruby for Good Casa project. Participated in daily standups and paired with other junior developers under senior developer leadership. Fun Fact: I write fiction in my spare time. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Ruby on Rails Developer, Freelance May 2023 – present Currently building a site for Barnaby Goat Ranch in Texas to increase profits through online sales. Working with my religious organization on building a custom software solution for some of their needs. Contributed to the Ruby For Good Casa project. Participated in daily standups and paired with other junior developers under senior developer leadership. Ruby on Rails Jr Developer, Agency of Learning February-present This voluntary position taught the essentials necessary for professional development.

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Experienced software engineer with a proven track record in high-growth environments, specializing in Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and database management, adept at leading teams and more.

I’ve always been interested in building (and taking things apart) ever since a young age. LEGO is probably a pretty reasonable starting point, as I am sure many of us have experienced. There’s nothing really that compares to the feeling of seeing something in your imagination and making it come to life in the physical (or virtual) world. The entire process of iteration, trying new things and observing the results were quite formative to my development when I was starting life. 

It’s been a goal of mine to never let that spark of curiosity die, fortunately I’ve been successful in the mission to continue approaching problems with the same curious intuition that drove me to try and figure out how and why something worked the way it did. No toy was safe, or anything really - I never limited my scope of “take this apart and figure out how it works” to toys. My dad (who is quite adept at figuring out how things work as well) helped foster and encourage that behavior - all sorts of electronic kits to poke at, observe, tinker with and most importantly - learn. I didn’t realize then in my pre-teen years that I was building a solid foundation to place a career on top of, I doubt I recognized that until much later, but before I realized that - a new “toy” had to come into my life. I was about the age of 10 or so when we finally got - the family computer. Immediately my world had changed, sure there were video games to play, but most interesting to me was the idea that I could create things on the computer. Between the early internet and the idea that I could create things to put onto “the internet” to share with others - I quickly became consumed by the idea of building things for the internet. As my career developed I eventually found Ruby on Rails and had my world completely changed, this was very early Ruby on Rails 3.0 and it was a breath of fresh air. The idea of covering common use cases and pitfalls out of the box and the idea of convention over configuration really clicked well with me. I was blown away with how effective we could be as a small team shipping features with Rails and Ruby. Ruby is a beautiful, readable language that is a dream to write code in. By contrast at the time PHP code felt archaic and messy. It was all in on Ruby on Rails for me. Throughout my career I’ve made a point to be proficient at being able to go between the technical side and the business side - whenever you’re developing software for a business you have to understand the business to keep the two sides aligned and heading in the same direction. I can help the business understand the benefits of technical initiatives and I can turn it around and put on my “business” hat when making decisions about the implementations.

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