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Senior/Lead dev specialising in clean, maintainable code and keeping tech debt low

I'm a full-stack Rails developer (although recent projects have concentrated on API-only backends with ReactJS front ends managed by different teams). I've been working with Rails for over 10 years (since version 3.x) and have specialised in making code bases that are easy for teams to read, understand and maintain. Key to those goals are: using standardised code styles (ensuring RuboCop and the team's practices are perfectly aligned) writing well-structured, easy-to-understand and fast tests constructive and collaborative code reviews ensuring documentation, from git histories to READMEs and other materials (online and offline) records useful, meaningful information that can be easily kept up to date and in sync with any code changes I've recently been adding GraphQL to my skill set, which also includes PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis and other languages (Swift, PHP, JavaScript, and more). On the front end, I have experience both with Rails' native toolset and with ReactJS, Next.js and React Native. I also have experience of platform-native toolsets such as SwiftUI to deliver applications that feel intrinsically like part of the user’s mobile experience. I've worked on projects of various sizes, from scheduling and booking software for a major tech training company to systems allowing TV distributors to sell thousands of hours of programming all over the world. Ideally, I'm looking to work on products with which I can feel personally invested – an exciting product or tech-for-good project would definitely suit me better than a fintech role.

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Senior Full Stack Rails Developer with 25+ years experience

I became a full-time developer 20+ ago and have worked with a wide variety of languages and frameworks and held many roles. I started using Ruby and Rails in 2005 and it's by far my preferred toolkit. My first project was a publishing solution for a major US shipping magazine called Pacific Shipper using AppleScript as the glue. It had everything: a GUI, import and export modules, networking, database interaction and Web publishing via ColdFusion. It was a wizard-driven conversion tool for porting a digital print file to a Web site. Along the way I got to experience most challenges facing a young and inexperienced developer, including how to interact with end users and product owners, bug fixes, deployment and versioning and more. The classic learn-as-you-go scenario. Since then, I went into ASP, Java (J2EE, JSP), build and deploy tooling, Struts and finally landing on Ruby and Rails in 2006. This has been by far my preferred toolkit since then. I have a passing acquaintance with iOS and Android development as well though would need a refresher. Having worked almost exclusively on the backend of things, with the arrival of Rails 7 I have happily re-entered the frontend domain and find it very rewarding. I consider myself a life-long learner and have over the years picked up useful soft skills, having worked in many diverse situations. I've lived and worked in many geographic location as well and am native in English, Swedish and German, fluent in French. In the past I have contributed to most phases of product development, from concept and wire framing to server setup. I've spent a significant amount of time in e-commerce and content management systems. I enjoy seeing a project from a high level perspective, rather than starting at a database schema level: outside in rather than inside out. I consider myself a pragmatist and will not by default try to build everything myself if a reasonable alternative exists. By the same token, I'm in favour of carefully curating and vetting libraries to include in a project. I prefer to move with a purpose and shipping often rather than sitting on a feature until it's "perfect". I have no bias against working with legacy code, in fact I enjoy it! Spelunking is a a great way to learn and understand.

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A considerate and collaborative developer

High response rate

The first programming book I read was "Learn Ruby the Hard Way" by Zed Shaw. That, coupled with an interest in graphic design seemed like a gateway into a very enjoyable career where I could be logical and creative! Shortly after, I joined a bootcamp in 2016. I've worked with quite a few frameworks and libraries since 2016. Here's what I've learned: - Ruby is super fun, Rails is not dead, convention-over-configuration is my preference whenever possible. - JavaScript is cool but the front-end world can be exhausting; too much reinventing the wheel and forgetting about web fundamentals. - I enjoy CSS a lot. - Hotwire and Stimulus are a very cool approach to efficiently providing a user with a SPA-like experience - I'm proficient in React but like to keep it simple, sustainable, composable. I strive to find the appropriate balance of simplicity and complexity in order to: - meet the project needs - be considerate of fellow developers who will need to read, understand, work with the code I write - enable Junior devs to step into the codebase and understand/mimic/extend the codebase. Unique Traits: - Trilingual (English, Spanish, French) - Education background (I can mentor Junior devs) Positive Traits: - Passionate about good quality - Tenacious Personal focus: - I've been focused on diving deeper into the Rails ecosystem and my aim is to find a role with a company using Rails + Hotwire, or Rails + React. - Docker NOTE: The link "Website" link in my bio is Github. I'm currently redoing some portfolio projects.

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