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Senior dev specialising in clean, maintainable code and keeping tech debt low

I'm a full-stack Rails developer (although recent projects have concentrated on API-only backends with ReactJS front ends managed by different teams). I've been working with Rails for over 10 years (since version 3.x) and have specialised in making code bases that are easy for teams to read, understand and maintain. Key to those goals are: using standardised code styles (ensuring RuboCop and the team's practices are perfectly aligned) writing well-structured, easy-to-understand and fast tests constructive and collaborative code reviews ensuring documentation, from git histories to READMEs and other materials (online and offline) records useful, meaningful information that can be easily kept up to date and in sync with any code changes I've recently been adding GraphQL to my skill set, which also includes PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis and other languages (Swift, PHP, JavaScript, and more). On the front end, I have experience both with Rails' native toolset and with ReactJS, Next.js and React Native. I also have experience of platform-native toolsets such as SwiftUI to deliver applications that feel intrinsically like part of the user’s mobile experience. I've worked on projects of various sizes, from scheduling and booking software for a major tech training company to systems allowing TV distributors to sell thousands of hours of programming all over the world. Ideally, I'm looking to work on products with which I can feel personally invested – an exciting product or tech-for-good project would definitely suit me better than a fintech role.

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Endlessly curious former electrical engineer turned full-stack developer after graduating from Flatiron. Experience in JavaScript | React | Redux | Ruby | Rails | CSS | Material-UI | SQL.

After spending approximately a decade practicing electrical design, installation & repair initially in the aviation sector and then in the marine sector, I decided to learn something new. The software environment is ever evolving while the electrical installation field is quite repetitive. Flatiron gave me the chance to enter a new world full of tools and techs that are endlessly interesting. For example, I recently adapted active storage into my rails application that is saved to the postgreSQL database instead of hosted on a cloud service. The use of blobs encouraged me to learn about the JavaScript Blob() and File() constructors that I was previously unaware of. That is what is continuing to draw me into development on a daily basis. I am passionate about learning to code, helping others to code and building useful applications that people can use to improve their jobs or lives. I have a vast amount of experience in troubleshooting and fault-finding. It has served me well during my time at Flatiron. Without that experience, I imagine that every error I had to work through would have taken exponentially more time. While electrical and software engineering are different fields, fault-finding is always about tracing the correct progression of events in a system and determining the point at which the progression stops. My personal preference is that debugging in software is more fun than building applications. Problem solving is a practical knowledge that comes from experience and I enjoy practicing it.

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