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Senior Back End Ruby on Rails Engineer in Sydney Australia

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I have been working daily with Ruby on Rails for 6 years. I write code that is performant, clean and well tested. I have domain experience in the Fintech, Healthcare and Courier industries. I have worked with REST and GraphQL and with AWS Microservices. I know how to - work with Models, Views and Controllers. I've used erb, haml and slim at the view layer. - add tables and columns (I also recommend the Strong Migrations gem). I am most familiar with Postgresql as the database layer - construct performant queries to minimise database calls, using includes, joins, where and scopes. (I recommend the Bullet gem) - use service objects to perform tasks consistently, and where appropriate to provide a wrapper layer for simple use and testing. - use workers to perform asynchronous tasks - design and manage API service to send / receive data to and from the Front End (or Mobile app) as both REST and GraphQL - work with AWS services such as Lambdas, S3 and SQS, using client libraries where appropriate - interact with external APIs, typically using libraries such as HTTParty and rest-client - write excellent tests that are thorough, performant and importantly; document the intent of the code under test. I have used RSpec in my professional work. - give good PR feedback in a manner that is constructive, clear and kind - work with CI Pipelines. I have used Bitbucket, Github and Buildkite - manage rubocop to align developer styles - mentor junior staff I worked for many years as an Electrical Engineer working with electronics and renewable power before making a transition into Software Engineering. The problem solving skills I used then are still useful now.

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10yr+ T-Shape Generalist | Backend/Ops/Full Stack | Bug Whisperer | Senior thru Co-Founder

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Seasoned code wrangler with over a decade in Ruby on Rails and a past life as a social worker and policy researcher. I've got a knack for translating geek speak for humans and wrangling stakeholder needs into delighted users and maintainable code. Somehow, most days, I still like my IDE. Looking to land in a place where code meets impact. Full stack developer that has spent over a decade in the Ruby/Rails ecosystem. I lean ops -> backend, but I can get in there and wrangle JS components and CSS if need be. I often wear at least a little bit of a product manager hat, have been a team lead on large projects, and I even try to remember to write documentation and technical briefs. I'm longwinded in slack, shy in person, didactic and friendly in code reviews, and occasionally down a rabbithole. Loves: Wrangling weird bugs and annoying APIs, refactoring, clear code (for the humans) and good tests (for the robots), figuring out the best places to deliver maximum impact and shipping quickly, teaching myself new things, compassionate communication and collaboration with multiple stockholders, making weird things happen in the CI pipeline Not so loves: JS in general, jerks, arrogance, watching junior developers not get the support they need and thinking it is their fault, refreshing staging for an hour wondering why my debugger isn't getting hit. -- Have worked in startups at all stages of their life cycle as both an introverted grumpy solo developer and team leader, helped make product decisions, mentored other developers, deleted prod a few times, etc. I chafe a bit at schedules, but occasionally I'll figure out a big that would have been a big problem in the future at 3am and just fix it. Love fixing those things. I can meeting during normal human hours though. -- Open to short and long term contracts and FTE for the right fit. Prefer chill flat organizations where everyone likes and respects each other and just gets stuff done. I've shipped features faster at those organizations than any that were focused on relentless hustle. -- Tell me why you believe in your tech and I'll tell you about one of my weird side projects like a Led Zeppelin button or a confessional that floats in the air. -- Have PhD level statistics classes buried in my brain somewhere, know my way around python and some data analysis, have built ETL pipelines - if it has to be done, I'll try to figure out a way to get it done. And the longer you hang around this world, you realize the most important programming language is being able to talk to people in kind and useful ways. -- Senior enough to know that sometimes it's the code you don't write that solves the problem ;) Junior enough to still get excited every time I make LEDs blink with magic words.

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Full Stack Engineer | Ruby On Rails | ReactJS | Hotwire | Turbo | Stimulus | TailwindCSS

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I'm Veteran Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer with ReactJS expertise. Proficient in Hotwire, Turbo, Stimulus, JavaScript, AWS, Github, Heroku, and various other technologies. Skilled in self-management for independent projects and a collaborative team player. I have worked in different domains like healthcare, legal, security, construction, social media and others. I'm passionate about coding, especially in Ruby with the magic of Rails making things smooth sailing. I've built plenty of projects, and now I'm excited about combining Ruby on Rails with AI. I'm skilled with Git, RSpec, and handling databases. I also know my way around frontend tech like ReactJS and AngularJS, as well as integrating APIs. I've led small developer teams back home, using tools like GitHub, GitLab, JIRA, and Linear. I'm fluent in Gujarati, English, and Hindi, making communication a breeze. As a remote developer, I'm here to turn your ideas into reality. Whether it's working solo or coordinating a team, count me in to get the job done. I can provide a wide range of services that are designed to attract attention and cater to the most searched for needs. Here are some examples of the services I offer. -> Web application development -> Font-end UI/UX development -> Back-end REST APIs development -> Application deployments on cloud -> Version upgrades -> Technical lead for teams -> Application maintenance or support -> Technical consultation -> Project management -> Problem solving -> Small project to large (feature, enhancement, bug, issues)

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Full Stack Web Developer | Ruby, Hotwire & React

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I have over five years of experience working with Ruby on Rails and have developed a strong proficiency in utilizing the framework to build scalable, robust, and high-performance web applications. Throughout my career, I have developed a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Ruby on Rails, including building & maintaining large codebases by adopting appropriate design patterns and modularization. Additionally, I’m adept with testing frameworks such as RSpec & Minitest, ORMs such as ActiveRecord, Sequel, DataMapper & ROM, RESTful and GraphQL API services (including integrating external APIs and services), working with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/Typescript and frameworks like ReactJS and Hotwire + Stimulus + Turbo, and managing databases and data storage solutions. I am comfortable and adept at finding & fixing bugs using debugging tools, and identifying performance bottlenecks and issues using performance profiling tools. I have also collaborated with cross-functional teams, including product managers, designers, and other developers, to build new features and maintain existing applications. My experience has taught me the importance of writing clean and maintainable code, documenting code and project processes, and utilizing agile development methodologies to manage projects effectively. Overall, my experience with Ruby on Rails has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to the development of complex web applications and work effectively within a team environment.

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Former Biotechnologist now turned Ruby on Rails Developer

After a decade of working in the biotech industry, I've made the decision to pursue my passion for technology by becoming a software engineer. Since I was young I have always had an interest in technology, from designing and building a website in raw HTML in high school on how to build a potato launcher with nothing but an HTML for Dummies book to creating a data tracking tool that trended assay/equipment metrics, decreasing the number of run failures in an Oncology genetics laboratory. I earned my certificate from the Turing School of Software and Design in August 2023, with a specialization in Back-End development. Since my graduation, I have been actively engaged in diverse software projects. I've taken on the challenge of creating an inventory management system for Free Little Libraries, a personal side project. Additionally, I'm currently interning at the Turing School of Software and Design, where I'm involved in the implementation of an automated attendance application to support our instructors. Simultaneously, I hold a part-time contract position with Software for Research, where I contribute to the advancement of software solutions for clinical research within the behavioral sciences at academic institutions. My passion for software development, paired with hands-on experience, has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to excel in the world of technology and contribute effectively to any team or project.

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