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Senior dev specialising in clean, maintainable code and keeping tech debt low

I'm a full-stack Rails developer (although recent projects have concentrated on API-only backends with ReactJS front ends managed by different teams). I've been working with Rails for over 10 years (since version 3.x) and have specialised in making code bases that are easy for teams to read, understand and maintain. Key to those goals are: using standardised code styles (ensuring RuboCop and the team's practices are perfectly aligned) writing well-structured, easy-to-understand and fast tests constructive and collaborative code reviews ensuring documentation, from git histories to READMEs and other materials (online and offline) records useful, meaningful information that can be easily kept up to date and in sync with any code changes I've recently been adding GraphQL to my skill set, which also includes PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis and other languages (Swift, PHP, JavaScript, and more). On the front end, I have experience both with Rails' native toolset and with ReactJS, Next.js and React Native. I also have experience of platform-native toolsets such as SwiftUI to deliver applications that feel intrinsically like part of the user’s mobile experience. I've worked on projects of various sizes, from scheduling and booking software for a major tech training company to systems allowing TV distributors to sell thousands of hours of programming all over the world. Ideally, I'm looking to work on products with which I can feel personally invested – an exciting product or tech-for-good project would definitely suit me better than a fintech role.

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Improve my clients businesses by creating the best web applications, with a smile :-)

10 years working as Ruby on Rails Freelancer, with more than 30 successful projects. Business focused. Prioritizing the best communication with clients. Let’s write the specs and I will build it for you. Ask yourself the following questions: --> Have you lost a lot of money in non-profitable developments? We should go to production in less than 3 months with our very best Minimum Valuable Product. --> Are you experiencing expensive software maintenance due to Architectural needless complexity with APIs, React, Angular, Vue,... ? I create React-equivalent modern frontends, cheap and easy to maintain, thanks to Hotwire JS-library, completely adapted to Ruby on Rails Backend. Without code duplication: APIs, models, validations, functions etc... No need to contract Fontend Developers yet. --> Bored of breaking something on every code change? I grant over 90% of your code covered by automated tests, running before every deployment, to ensure that nothing else breaks nowhere. --> Tired of waiting weeks to see a new feature working in your site? I grant you will see everyday changes thanks to daily automated deployments. No need to contract QA Engineers yet. --> Is your site slowing down due to users growth? I build High Scalability systems taking care of Rails performance, and based on containers and microservices, adapted automatically to your business growth. No need to contract Devops Engineers yet. --> Did you experience poor communication with your Development Team? I will send you a daily email with things to-do and done, based on business planification. And all talks you need, of course.

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8 years experience | Rails + React | Contract work welcome

High response rate

Hi! I'm Liz 👋🏼 I'm about as full-stack 🥞 as they come. I started as a QA and automation engineer and now I'm a senior full-stack engineer focusing on Rails and React. Early on as a QA I worked on projects from writing SQL scripts to check data, to automation engineering, to React Native applications, and even helping implement Kafka instances and a team transition to Kubernetes. Then I moved on to development, mostly focusing on Rails / React stacks. I also am very comfortable working in Python. Now I've been a full stack developer for a few years, always carrying my QA mindset with me. I love exploring the ins and outs of a problem, and figuring out where I can pick it apart and expose weaknesses. I'm really great at building relationships with stakeholders, establishing trust and cooperation so that we can all move forward with a project in a very pragmatic way. Pairing with coworkers is always very enjoyable for me. I like the collaboration, but I really value the mentorship the most. Teaching juniors git has become a mainstay for me, as well as coaching them to maintain a calm mindset while debugging, encouraging them to move through issues in a systematic way. And of course I always fit in robust testing, showing folks how to create test suites and pipeline automation that will improve their workflow. Let's talk about how I can contribute to your team and stack 🙌🏻

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