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Full Stack Rails & React Developer with 15+ years experience

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Who am I? I am Tom Dallimore, a developer originally from the UK but now living in SEA. I currently work as a freelance Rails & React Developer, my 2 favourite frameworks that I thoroughly enjoy using (so far!). Additionally, in my spare time, I am managing a form builder I launched late last year called JotJab( and building a subscription/membership application for the Shopify App’s ecosystem. But before we go any further, let’s get to my story and why I think we are a great fit for each other. My story Let’s get started. I am a 34 year old developer who has been developing all kinds of applications and software for the past 16 years. When I started software development (when I was about 16 years old) I learned the basics of HTML, CSS and a little bit of javascript. After that I moved onto PHP and C# for a small time but then stumbled upon Rails. I became intrigued, since when did writing code become so fun and fast? At the time I was working at Dyson as a C# developer, but in the evenings and mornings I was building my own little applications - a lot of fun. I eventually settled on creating an ecommerce app (yeah, I didn’t know at the time how much work that would be), which eventually grew into Trado - an open source e-commerce application. Fast forward a year or so and I was offered a job to work at an agency in Beijing. It was a contract based job which was primarily on upgrading, managing and debugging Rails applications, certainly an interesting experience. From there I decided I wanted to dive back into the world of freelance. I helped several companies launch apps using a mixture of React and Rails, including an online store for PPE supplies, a charity donation web + mobile app and an app for the Shopify Partners ecosystem. Why me? I love to experiment and build tools which help people’s everyday lives be more productive and fun! I would say the most rewarding part of being a developer is seeing apps I helped create become a rewarding tool for the user. I’m not just a developer Over the years I’ve worked on projects with teams and on my own. The latter meant I needed to take up other responsibilities to ensure the delivery of a product. These included tasks such as, server management, UX/Product design, graphic design (my father ran a graphic design agency) and from time to time marketing/branding. Guess you could call it a swiss army knife of skills! Side projects As I previously mentioned, since a young age I’ve always enjoyed tinkering with stuff in my free time. The most recent project is JotJab. At the time I was using Typeform to create forms for communicating with audiences on the web, but I couldn’t stomach their high pricing. So I built an alternative using React, Rails, TailwindCSS and Vite, all hosted on Hetzner and Cloudflare using the amazing Dokku engine (seriously, the best open source PaaS out there!). Staying in touch • I keep updated with the OSS community on Github • I follow a lot on Twitter and actively share daily • I follow a few YouTubers. • And I dabble in Reddit, from time to time. Soft skills I like to talk, throw ideas around, and have long conversations about certain topics. I love to experiment with “outside the box” ideas. I do have opinions, I like to discuss and have a conversation about my opinions, but I also love to change and adapt my opinions based on new information. After hours • I’m always keen to learn new technologies, currently experimenting with Go and Flutter • I have a passion for photography and videographer, mostly when taking trips into the countryside • I do enjoy watching a good series now and again, like Shogun There is a lot more I would like to talk about, but I hope I’ve already convinced you enough to start a conversation. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Pragmatic communicator with attention to detail, rooted in best practices

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Howdy 👋🏻 I've now been working in the industry for 10 years. I started my career in native iOS development, but now I've focused my attention to the backend. I've worked in Ruby on Rails for over 3 years now. I've implemented solutions to and worked with common backend tasks such as: API endpoints Background/async tasks Query optimizations Message queues Feature toggles APM CI/CD and more! A recent accomplishment is launching a significantly cross-cutting feature that fundamentally altered functionality of a 12-year-old Rails codebase. It launched with no downtime and no issues. I am passionate about code quality and the UNIX Philosophy. I care about simplicity and sensibility, preferring smaller, focused solutions over monolithic solutions. The best code is the least amount of code written that satisfies the requirement. It should be SOLID and DRY. It should cause minimal side-effects. I am an excellent communicator and have received praise for my ability to convey complex problems in an articulate and approachable manner to engineering and non-engineering stakeholders alike. I actually care about keeping documentation up-to-date and like investing research into tooling and processes that do that automatically so that it isn't so manual and painful. Working on a diverse team is really important to me. If we don't have a seat at the table for everyone, then what gets built only benefits a few lucky ones. Equity and accessibility is important. ✌🏻

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