• Software Engineer applying the best and most effective solutions on enterprise scale.
• Full Stack Developer specialized in creating business solutions for web applications, utilizing frameworks such as ReactJs and Ruby on Rails, as well as developing APIs and integrating databases.
• 5 Years of Experience
• My goal is to continuously learn and apply new technologies, expand my knowledge and experience in the professional field, and share my expertise to contribute to the development of new technologies and innovative projects.
Interpersonal Skills:
• Decision Making, Responsible, Honest, Respectful, Team Work, Ownership, Fair, Supportive, Friendly, Quick Learning, Work under pressure, Self-taught, I investigate until I find a solution.
Specific Skills:
• Programming Languages: Ruby, JavaScript.
• Other languages: HTML5, SCSS.
• Methodologies: Custom Combination approach of SCRUM + XP.
• Database managers: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
• Libraries/Gems/FrameWorks: NextJs, ReactJS, AngularJs, VueJs, Bootstrap, Cropper.js, GoogleMapsReact, MapBoxGL, React-Signature-Canvas, React-Webcam, Ruby on Rails, PaperClip, WickedPdf, ActionMailer, Twilio, RQRCode, Rspec, Hotwire-rails, Stimulus, Devise, Pundit, Audited, Pagy, Redis, Sidekiq, Sidekiq-Cron, OpenAi, Nokogiri, Factorybot_rails, Webpacker, ActiveStorage.
• Tools: Git, Trello, SourceTree, Ubuntu Server, NGINX, Node, Microsoft Azure, GoDaddy, Postman, Chrome DevTools, Visual Studio Code.