I have worked on a billing tool developed in Django for a few years. During that time, I passed Udacity's AI Programming with Python Nanodegree and Data Engineering Nanodegree. Then I started to code in Ruby on Rails, and I have been coding on it professionally for the last few years. I have some pieces of knowledge about Heroku, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Some experience with Docker. I also have worked on personal projects using Vue JS and Quasar.
One recent accomplishment I made was that I considerably improved performance in a production application after making critical changes to the data model. I recently started to learn Hotwire Turbo and Stimulus JS. Also, I have been learning about designing API endpoints using Swagger. My passion is to keep learning every day while doing the cool things of the future today. I have proven useful when testing and ensuring an app does what it should. It may seem simple, but it can be difficult sometimes.