I'm a Rails developer with 5+ years experience in Ruby on Rails and 8+ years experience overall. Besides RoR, I also have experience in Elixir/Phoenix, Android, React, React Native, Node.js and Kubernetes. I also have 3+ years of experience leading a team of 7 individuals.
I am a product focused engineer who likes to be pragmatic while delivering solutions, but I am also an engineer at heart and so I ensure that any solution I provide is easy to understand, extend and maintain. I especially love hard problems and really appreciate a fun work environment.
Even in my free time, I enjoy nothing more than tinkering with various pieces of softwares trying to understand how they work and how their core works. e.g. currently I am going through the ruby source code to try to figure out how it all works.
If you want to get in touch with me or just want to see a few examples of how I work, drop a message.