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Autodidact Ruby Coder | Now Silver and Gold certified



With a creative background, I dove into Ruby six years ago for a project related to my original profession. I got hooked and have been coding daily ever since, working on various personal projects published on the web. These projects have had varying levels of success, but they inspired me to transition into a professional career in development.

In 2024, I earned both the Silver and Gold Ruby Association Certifications (June and October, respectively), which solidified my passion for venturing into the Ruby world professionally.

I work with the classic stack, including Stimulus/Hotwire on the front end, but I’m more than happy to jump on the React or Vue train when needed.

When it comes to deployment, I’ve used PAAS platforms and direct setups with SystemD services running Foreman processes behind Nginx. Testing? RSpec is my go-to. Along the way, I’ve harnessed classic utilities like Redis for key-value storage, Vips for faster image processing, and, of course, relational databases.