Since 2009 - RubyOnRails
Since 2018 - Angular
Since 2019 - Vue
Since 2020 - Phoenix
[2020 end] - After pursuing a path in testing, I decided to improve my knowledge of functional programming through Elixir and the related framework.
[2020 beginning] - I am shifting my focus to Test Design with all the related TDD and then BDD related techniques to improve the code I produce and to provide more quality to the work I do for all those who choose me as a freelance developer.
[2019 start] - I decided to deepen my knowledge related to SEO and front-end frameworks with the study of VueJS
[2017] - In the last few years I have been developing my skills in the Web field by deepening both aspects of management (project analysis, development methodologies, human resource management and team dynamics) and my technical skills as a programmer.
My interest has turned to those technologies that can provide me with a technical advantage in managing projects developed within a team (ex: docker) and those technologies that can give me alternative solutions in management and functionality that I can implement in a Web application (ex: Vue.js).
[Engagement Fee]
[My Favorite Quotes]
It doesn't count predicting the rain. It matters to build the ark.