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Ruby on Rails Developer

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I am a Ruby on Rails with 9+ years of experience, passionate about software development, working with teams in all software life-cycle. I have started with Rails 4.2 and worked for 3 International companies (Remote) since 2015 when I initially switched to Ruby on Rails. My other experience (10+ years) is more on C#, VB, .Net, MS-SQL, MySQL etc.

This is my current stack:

Ruby on Rails
Vanilla HTML,
Vanilla CSS += Tailwindcss and/or Bootstrap
Vanilla JS += Hotwire (Stimulusjs and Turbo), Stimulus Reflex, Cable Ready
Minitest || Rspec

When it comes to deploy my apps, I use one of below options:

Iaas: Digital Ocean
Paas: Heroku, Hatchbox

For SaaS Startups / New Rails apps, I always use this template:

I am no designer, but to get you with nice looking forms, at the same time support your views for different devices, I use

If you think that my current stack, matches yours, feel free to reach out.