This is Shivam, a ROR developer with 6+ years of experience. I am writing to apply for your position as ROR Developer. This exciting opportunity appears to be a wonderful fit with my professional experience, personal interests, and career goals.
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I hope you're having a wonderful day.
This is Shivam, a ROR developer with 6+ years of experience.
I am writing to apply for your position as ROR Developer. This exciting
opportunity appears to be a wonderful fit with my professional experience,
personal interests, and career goals.
Reasons to work with me:
• 6+ years of experience
• MS Degree in Computer Science
• Excellent interpersonal skill
• Analytical and problem solving skill
• Great team player.
I can help you with:
• Solving problems, solving issues and refactoring, fixing bugs
• Creating new features and building projects from scratch
• Server works (Google Cloud, AWS, Heroku, dedicated servers, VPS)
• Building micro services, APIs, back-end services, scaling and replication setup
• Optimizing and refactoring code base of the existing services
• Looking for new solutions for the existing services
• MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, InfluxDB integrations
• Elasticsearch, sphinx search and manticore search integrations
• Integrating payments solutions
• Machine learning and algorithmic solutions
✅ Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails,Turbolinks, ElasticSearch/SOLR, React.js
✅ Application/Web Servers: Thin, Puma, Unicorn, WebBrick
✅ Database Management Systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL
✅ Development Tools: Git, Docker
✅ Methodologies: Agile, SCRUM, Kanban
Feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Shivam Maurya