I enjoy expressing my ideas through code that is easy and pleasing to read.
Private informationDescription
Lucas Fernandes, 31, SP - Brazil
Lucas who?
Well, I'm Lucas, I'm 31 years old, I live in São Paulo, Brazil, with my girlfriend, and I have a degree in Information Systems. Outside of work, I enjoy cycling and drawing quite a bit.
I began my career in technology back in college, working as a tester, as QA. In my first job, I was mainly responsible for creating and reviewing software testing documents, such as performance testing strategy documents. Additionally, I started creating performance testing scripts.
Working with those testing scripts it's when I saw an opportunity because since I started my studies, my goal was to become a programmer. While working as QA, I found that working with writing automated test scripts was a good way to keep myself closer to the code itself.
After my first company, I joined Inmetrics. At Inmetrics, my focus was on creating, reviewing, and executing automated test scripts for Android and iOS applications using the Ruby language. With the experience I gained at Inmetrics, I felt comfortable enough to start looking for a programmer position. Since then, I've been working as back-end developer using technologies such as Ruby on Rails
, RSpec
, Docker
, Git/Github
, Postman
, CodeFresh
, PostgreSQL
, MongoDB
, RabbitMQ
, Redis
and Kanban
as methodologies.
What are my unique skills?
Although I believe API development wasn't my primary focus, in my last three positions, I gained considerable experience in it. Specifically, my responsibilities included integrating partners through the API, developing new endpoints and webhooks, maintaining API endpoints, updating API documentation, refactoring code, performing migrations of new columns and tables, publishing client libraries for other API versions, reviewing business models for new features, performing translations, and writing some queries. Additionally, I was responsible for writing tests and monitoring them after deployment to production, essentially covering the entire development lifecycle.
What Lucas DON’T you want to work on?
There's nothing specific that I don't want to work on. I want to work in a place where I can feel comfortable advancing my development as a developer and participating in projects that involve more advanced subjects, as I believe I still have a lot to learn. Therefore, I'm seeking a company with flexible and collaborative people. If I feel that the position doesn't align with that, it's not a place I want to work.
How would I describe my style of coding?
I enjoy expressing my ideas through code, or at least I try to, that is easy and pleasing to read. I believe code should be easy and pleasing to read, guiding you through its abstractions to understand what's happening without much effort instead of you try hard to connect the pieces. I value expressiveness, for example, ensuring that objects or methods serve a single purpose, abstract code that has been duplicated and naming things with meaningful names. The Rails community is well-known for this, but I also emphasize the importance of writing tests, as they provide peace of mind when changing code. My experience with APIs tells me that I also appreciate clear and well-documented APIs that are easy to use.
What have I been doing lately?
Currently, I think I've been trying to balance my days around these three things lately: studying programming, improving my drawing skills, and cycling. I think it's worth mentioning that I view these activities outside of work positively because they put me in contact with other people and each one brings a different feeling. And, of course, this also reflects positively on my work.
Currently area of study
As of now, I have been studying JavaScript
and delving into some backend topics. I have been using roadmap.sh/backend to guide myself through this process, and I've been posting my JavaScript code at: https://github.com/lsfernandes92/studi3s/tree/master/JavaScript.