Full Stack Developer
Private informationDescription
Hello, I’m Jorge!
I'm an engineer who can help you build your next project, I have 10 years on web development. I love to create products that deliver happiness to the end users through a rapid solution and delivery time.
I love the Rails way, and also embrace the KISS (keep it simple stupid) principle on all my work so anyone can follow and contribute to the projects I have work on. My focus since 2013 have been working on creating and taking care of some products using:
- Traditional Full Stack and Hotwire/Stimulus Rails. (HAML & SCSS my favorites for speed)
- Rails API for mobile.
- Creating WEB scrappers.
- Lately integrating AI to auto generate report interprations.
Additionally, I have experience with the the following related technologies:
- DevOps with Dokku, Docker, AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku.
- Datastores: PostgreSQL, Redis, MySQL.
- JS: StimulusJS, Typescript, jQuery.
I enjoy having lasting relationships, where we can build an amazing product together as a freelancer or member of a team.
🇺🇸 English - Professional
🇲🇽 Spanish - Native