Full-Stack | Ruby On Rails | Hotwire | Turbo | Stimulus | TailwindCSS Engineer | VIM
Private informationDescription
How I can help you
I am a Rails and PostgreSQL expert. That means that I am very familiar doing things the rails way. There are things that you can only learn from being in a career for so fifteen years. I call it hidden knowledge. At some point you develop a sixth sense for when and how deep to test, which refactors are necessary, a set of practices for handling ActiveRecord associations.
I believe that an expert developer is a unique asset to a company as they can drastically change its course. I like working with startups, and I have 15 years of tips, tricks, techniques, strategies from a technical perspective as well as an business/operational perspective.
Developer origin story
I spent a bunch of time on linux and building out my home network. I've always had a love for this craft. I started building robots, then teaching middle and high schoolers how to build and program robots, while managing my own self hosted networks and distro-hopping linux flavors
Unique skills that make me awesome
I've written custom PostgreSQL extensions
You'll notice with me that I am very quick on the keyboard, and between the well placed lame jokes, combined surgically precise problem solving, I have consistently told me that I am a pleasure to work with.
Core Skills
⌨️ Tech skills:
- Ruby / Ruby on Rails / Rspec
- Javascript / Stimulus.js / Turbo / React / AlpineJS
- PostgreSQL / Redis / Sidekiq / Goodjob
- Heroku / Github / AWS
- View components / Tailwind / Bootstrap
- Neovim Ninja
I built and sold directmailer.io, a direct mailer marketing platform that provides modern marketing conveniences to a legacy channel. Adheres to compliance within certain verticals, and provides deep integration like you're used to in SEO.
I was hired to build the core infrastructure for floridahomesteadcheck.com, a property tax analysis tool that guarantees the lowest property taxes for Florida residents.
You have an idea worth building