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Seasoned Ruby on Rails that focuses on building value for customers

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Throughout my 15+ years of working as a software developer I sought out different work environments in order to get a feel for the entire software development industry. I started by working at a large consultancy. After learning the basics of working as a team and with clients I decided to take a shot a running my own consultancy. This is when I started Bitpop. During these years I learned about the many positives and negatives of running your own business but more importantly I learned how to really listen to customer needs. My next adventure took me to working at a pure product company (FiveStreet) where I was the first engineer hire and ended up being acquired by Realtor.com. This gave me a different POV on how to develop a product. Finally, I co-founded Cetus Labs and developed Octopi. I was the CTO for a mission critical application that helps the shipping industry track its cargo. We were acquired by Navis where I currently work at as a Director of Engineering. My current responsibilities include managing a team of 10+ remote developers and being one of the senior architects for the platform. I like to collaborate with other developers and discuss ideas before writing code. I believe that balance is the key to a successful product. I see software as a tool to solve problems and increase the bottom line. I believe that there is no perfect code base but we should strive to make it the best possible. I believe that keeping our team happy is as important as keeping customers happy. Other things I enjoy include running around and screaming with my daughter, creating music, astronomy, reading books, imagining stories and movies (if my daughter lets me watch something other than Monsters Inc.).

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Software Engineer

Although I started my career as a designer back in 2000, throughout past 17 years I’ve been working with Rails building various web apps from small personal sites for me and my friends to huge multi-million SaaS projects, both private and governmental. And though most of my portfolio is a private work under NDAs, I have committed to several open source projects. Past several years I was working with Click Funnels, creating tools to automate OpenAPI generation. In particular, I created the open-source gem jbuilder-schema, which generates OpenAPI-compatible components from Jbuilder files, most Rails applications already have. Those can be used with Rswag for example, or we used them with bullet_train-api gem. I have plan to release gem that would fully generate OpenAPI specs for the application, based on its routes and Jbuilder files, so every Rails app may have API documentation for free. Now I have some free time so I’m writing a small app for iPhone for managing finances. I needed a library to calculate recurrent events but couldn’t find a good one for Swift. So I rewrote ruby-rrule gem into a Swift Package RRule and released that as open source as well. In my work I mostly like big and complex tasks, I love to dive deep and find elegant solutions. Creating a feel of some undercover magic for user is what really thrills my mind. Of course during my career I had different projects, with fresh and legacy code, I even had my own «Web Studio» working with several clients, and organized first IT conference in Crimea back in 2013. Links to some of my work I mentioned: - https://github.com/bullet-train-co/jbuilder-schema - https://github.com/bullet-train-co/bullet_train/pulls?q=is:pr+is:closed+author:newstler - https://github.com/bullet-train-co/bullet_train-core/pulls?q=is:pr+is:closed+author:newstler - https://github.com/newstler/rrule

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