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Senior Back End Ruby on Rails Engineer in Sydney Australia

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I have been working daily with Ruby on Rails for 6 years. I write code that is performant, clean and well tested. I have domain experience in the Fintech, Healthcare and Courier industries. I have worked with REST and GraphQL and with AWS Microservices. I know how to - work with Models, Views and Controllers. I've used erb, haml and slim at the view layer. - add tables and columns (I also recommend the Strong Migrations gem). I am most familiar with Postgresql as the database layer - construct performant queries to minimise database calls, using includes, joins, where and scopes. (I recommend the Bullet gem) - use service objects to perform tasks consistently, and where appropriate to provide a wrapper layer for simple use and testing. - use workers to perform asynchronous tasks - design and manage API service to send / receive data to and from the Front End (or Mobile app) as both REST and GraphQL - work with AWS services such as Lambdas, S3 and SQS, using client libraries where appropriate - interact with external APIs, typically using libraries such as HTTParty and rest-client - write excellent tests that are thorough, performant and importantly; document the intent of the code under test. I have used RSpec in my professional work. - give good PR feedback in a manner that is constructive, clear and kind - work with CI Pipelines. I have used Bitbucket, Github and Buildkite - manage rubocop to align developer styles - mentor junior staff I worked for many years as an Electrical Engineer working with electronics and renewable power before making a transition into Software Engineering. The problem solving skills I used then are still useful now.

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10yr+ T-Shape Generalist | Backend/Ops/Full Stack | Bug Whisperer | Senior thru Co-Founder

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Seasoned code wrangler with over a decade in Ruby on Rails and a past life as a social worker and policy researcher. I've got a knack for translating geek speak for humans and wrangling stakeholder needs into delighted users and maintainable code. Somehow, most days, I still like my IDE. Looking to land in a place where code meets impact. Full stack developer that has spent over a decade in the Ruby/Rails ecosystem. I lean ops -> backend, but I can get in there and wrangle JS components and CSS if need be. I often wear at least a little bit of a product manager hat, have been a team lead on large projects, and I even try to remember to write documentation and technical briefs. I'm longwinded in slack, shy in person, didactic and friendly in code reviews, and occasionally down a rabbithole. Loves: Wrangling weird bugs and annoying APIs, refactoring, clear code (for the humans) and good tests (for the robots), figuring out the best places to deliver maximum impact and shipping quickly, teaching myself new things, compassionate communication and collaboration with multiple stockholders, making weird things happen in the CI pipeline Not so loves: JS in general, jerks, arrogance, watching junior developers not get the support they need and thinking it is their fault, refreshing staging for an hour wondering why my debugger isn't getting hit. -- Have worked in startups at all stages of their life cycle as both an introverted grumpy solo developer and team leader, helped make product decisions, mentored other developers, deleted prod a few times, etc. I chafe a bit at schedules, but occasionally I'll figure out a big that would have been a big problem in the future at 3am and just fix it. Love fixing those things. I can meeting during normal human hours though. -- Open to short and long term contracts and FTE for the right fit. Prefer chill flat organizations where everyone likes and respects each other and just gets stuff done. I've shipped features faster at those organizations than any that were focused on relentless hustle. -- Tell me why you believe in your tech and I'll tell you about one of my weird side projects like a Led Zeppelin button or a confessional that floats in the air. -- Have PhD level statistics classes buried in my brain somewhere, know my way around python and some data analysis, have built ETL pipelines - if it has to be done, I'll try to figure out a way to get it done. And the longer you hang around this world, you realize the most important programming language is being able to talk to people in kind and useful ways. -- Senior enough to know that sometimes it's the code you don't write that solves the problem ;) Junior enough to still get excited every time I make LEDs blink with magic words.

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Full-Stack | Ruby On Rails | Hotwire | Turbo | Stimulus | TailwindCSS Engineer | VIM

How I can help you I am a Rails and PostgreSQL expert. That means that I am very familiar doing things the rails way. There are things that you can only learn from being in a career for so fifteen years. I call it hidden knowledge. At some point you develop a sixth sense for when and how deep to test, which refactors are necessary, a set of practices for handling ActiveRecord associations. Passions I believe that an expert developer is a unique asset to a company as they can drastically change its course. I like working with startups, and I have 15 years of tips, tricks, techniques, strategies from a technical perspective as well as an business/operational perspective. Developer origin story I spent a bunch of time on linux and building out my home network. I've always had a love for this craft. I started building robots, then teaching middle and high schoolers how to build and program robots, while managing my own self hosted networks and distro-hopping linux flavors Unique skills that make me awesome I've written custom PostgreSQL extensions You'll notice with me that I am very quick on the keyboard, and between the well placed lame jokes, combined surgically precise problem solving, I have consistently told me that I am a pleasure to work with. Core Skills ⌨️ Tech skills: - Ruby / Ruby on Rails / Rspec - Javascript / Stimulus.js / Turbo / React / AlpineJS - PostgreSQL / Redis / Sidekiq / Goodjob - Heroku / Github / AWS - View components / Tailwind / Bootstrap - Neovim Ninja Startups I built and sold directmailer.io, a direct mailer marketing platform that provides modern marketing conveniences to a legacy channel. Adheres to compliance within certain verticals, and provides deep integration like you're used to in SEO. I was hired to build the core infrastructure for floridahomesteadcheck.com, a property tax analysis tool that guarantees the lowest property taxes for Florida residents. You have an idea worth building

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Software development expert with 20+ years of experience, including team management.

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Built and designed several Rails applications since 2008. Some example clients where I've contributed to their commercial platform: BraveWriter - A homeschool grammar and English literature classroom forum with annual sales of > $1M. Built an integrated ecommerce support for processing semester registration. https://bravewriter.com Anddit - A non-profit portal for connecting people in need underwritten by a biopharmaceutical company. Original site design and architecture. https://anddit.com/ Spoonflower - The original print-on-demand for fabric enterprise. Trained (refactoring, TDD) and consulted for the engineering team, as well as migrated the original Rails infrastructure through several versions. https://www.spoonflower.com/ RedHat - contributed as a member of the Katello plugin (https://theforeman.org/plugins/katello/), a Rails engine for Foreman server management application as a Senior Software Developer at RedHat. This included both active development as an individual contributor, but also reviewing and managing contributions from the open source community. I recently built a JIRA plugin for schedule forecasting Kanban teams, written of course in Rails! This plugin does simple date estimations to help teams realize the velocity of their Kanban board. https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1232566/issue-forecast?hosting=cloud&tab=overview I've had experience as both an individual contributor as as a team manager/lead.

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A passionate developer able to handle complex tasks regardless of less experience in number of years.

I embarked on my journey in the world of software development two years ago, as an intern at a small Edtech startup. At the outset, my role primarily involved tackling small UI-related tasks. However, fate had other plans for me when I learned about the need to optimize the Zoom Web SDK, built with ReactJS, to align with our company's specific requirements. The catch? I had no prior experience with React. Nevertheless, fueled by my passion for problem-solving and armed with documentation and the wisdom of the StackOverflow community, I dived headfirst into the challenge. My determination paid off, and I successfully optimized the Zoom Web SDK, a pivotal achievement that led to my conversion into a full-time employee. This experience taught me that adaptability and a willingness to learn are key traits in a developer's toolkit. As my career unfolded, I found myself working on a diverse array of projects. From crafting compelling landing pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to delving into user analytics and fine-tuning our campaign strategies, I embraced every opportunity for growth. My journey took an exciting turn when I ventured into Ruby on Rails development. I was tasked with enhancing the user experience of our student and teacher management portal. In this role, I reimagined the platform's UI, engineered RESTful APIs for seamless resource access, and introduced innovative features such as certificate sharing. Integrating third-party APIs like Zoho Invoices, aiSensy, and Zoom Meetings added depth to my skill set. One of the milestones that stands out in my career is the successful migration of our Rails application from version 5 to 6. This process not only honed my expertise in Rails but also provided valuable insights into the intricacies of AWS EC2 and AWS S3, enriching my toolkit further. In summary, my journey as a developer has been a testament to my adaptability, problem-solving prowess, and relentless pursuit of knowledge. I am passionate about crafting elegant solutions and delivering exceptional user experiences. My unique blend of skills, ranging from UI design to API integration, positions me as a versatile developer ready to tackle diverse challenges. I thrive in environments where innovation is encouraged, and I look forward to contributing my expertise to projects that demand creativity, efficiency, and a commitment to excellence.

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Recent Imperial MSc graduate with significant Rails experience

I've recently switched career, but have built up broad experience of Rails applications and web dev more generally from a variety of personal and voluntary projects over the past ten years. What motivates me as an engineer is the potential real-world impact of solving users' problems tactically: for example, my MSc individual project was an experimental version control system in Rust tracking syntactic changes to source, to improve the accuracy and scope of automatic conflict resolution, and so reduce the hurdles to getting working code into production. I'm very comfortable working with many languages and frameworks, and always keen to broaden my knowledge, but have long been especially passionate about Rails and Ruby. A multi-year project for a student society to build a complete conference management solution in Rails means I now have significant experience of almost all areas of the framework and levels of the stack, including testing and deployment strategies, and understand the tools and approaches available and their associated tradeoffs. Before the MSc I was a linguist, and so have much experience of independent research and self-directed projects from the academic world—as well as clear and concise technical explanations to non-specialists, and effective and persuasive technical writing. I don't wait to find out what I need to know to make progress, and am always willing to consider innovative approaches to problems on their own merits.

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Rails consultant specializing in maximizing profits, developer happiness, code quality, and speeding up test suites.

Before becoming a full-time consultant and entrepreneur, I worked in Civic Tech for 8 years at Code for America, 18F, and Truss. I helped shape Engineering best practices, and worked on open source Rails apps that improved the lives of millions of people. I helped these companies save over $100k per year through automation, speeding up test suites, improving developer happiness and productivity, and improving code quality and maintainability. I currently offer two main services: Rails app upgrades/maintenance, and an automation audit to find opportunities for saving time and money. I'm also open to hearing about other problems you'd like to solve. Rails app upgrades and maintenance Do you have an old Rails app that needs to continue running in production, but you don't have the time or people to keep it secure and up to date? Are you afraid to upgrade it or make any changes? What would happen to your business and your reputation if your customers' data was compromised due to running old versions of Ruby and/or Rails? For a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time developer, I will give you the peace of mind that your app will be up to date and free of known security vulnerabilities. And if something breaks, the issue will be resolved quickly. I offer a fixed-price monthly retainer that includes, but is not limited to, the following: Keep gems and other dependencies up to date (more reliably than dependabot) Update Rails and Ruby versions before they reach end of life Set up monitoring for downtime, errors, and performance issues Make sure domain name registrations won’t expire Update Heroku stack when needed Fix exceptions Improve tests Audit gems to see if any can be removed/replaced Audit code for any improvements Find other ways to save you money Increasing profit and developer happiness I've helped small companies save over $100k/year through automation, speeding up test suites, improving developer happiness and productivity, and improving code quality and maintainability. Here are some examples of time savings I made: 8 weeks/year by speeding up test suites 7 weeks/year by speeding up commands used daily by developers 4 weeks/year by automating recurring manual tasks 10 weeks/year by eliminating and shortening meetings 7 weeks/year by automating the setup of a new Mac so that new engineers can be up and running within minutes of opening their new laptop with a complete dev environment, all their Mac apps, fonts, macOS preferences, and GitHub repos. I've now turned this into a paid product called Ruby on Mac (https://www.rubyonmac.dev/pricing#team-pricing). Based on what I noticed during my 8 years in Civic Tech across a wide variety of teams and projects, you are likely losing time and money every day right now at your company. I can identify these losses for you and create a detailed report with recommendations. You can then choose to implement them yourself, hire someone else, or hire me.

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