Multilingual Engineer | Stoic Philosopher | Junior Full Stack Engineer | Ruby | JavaScript | SQL | HTML | CSS | Father & Husband
Información privadaDescripción
• Profile: Multilingual double master's degree engineer (industrial engineering and computer science) with 10+ years of diverse experience in fields that vary from manufacturing, pharma, e-commerce and education.
• Expertise: Team Leading, Communication, Research, Web Development, Computational Finance, Lean and Kaizen tools, Agile Methodologies
• Education: BSc in Engineering Management, MSc in Industrial engineering and management with specialization in innovation engineering, MSc in Computer Science with specialization in Computational finance, self-taught full stack engineer
• Who am I: I love to code. The sleuthwork of identifying the source of a bug (especially when the error message is less than helpful). The stoicism-like state of refactoring tests in a massive codebase. The excitement of implementing a long-anticipated feature. The consistent vacillation between questioning and understanding.I also getting knowledge and experience working in Ruby, Rails, Node.js, React and Javascript.
• People ask me what I do. Here's the list:
1. Software Developer who knows Javascript, Ruby, Rails, CSS, HTML, SQL
2. Philosopher-like Engineer
3. Mentor from manufacturing and education industry
4. Mentoring Youth Handball players(Pivots and Left Backs)
5. Judoka / BJJ - in - Training (Recovery from the TCL injury)
6. Wine enthusiast (Sommelier)
7. Bookworm
8. Father & Husband
• That wraps up the career and hobbies. I had a 10-year career before I start to code and become self taught full stack developer and revamped my lifestyle. I'm the kind of guy who focuses on many pursuits at once, but really dives deep into all of them.
• Tech stack:
• Rails
• Python
• JavaScript
• CSS3
• PostgreSQL
• jQuery
• Git