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Developer's avatar

Enthusiastic Ruby on Rails developer

Informations privées


I'm a reliable developer and understanding full-stack thinker. I'm here to make your stuff done. I code for 12 years, 8 years of which remotely.

Ok let's talk skills.

FRAMEWORKS: Ruby on Rails (no way!)

BACKEND: Ruby >2.5, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis, Sidekiq, ImageMagick, libvips, Web performance solutions (MVC, N+1, eager loading, etc.), Elasticsearch, Meilisearch, REST API, SSL, FFmpeg

FRONTEND: Vanilla JS, jQuery, Webpack(-er), ESbuild, Stimulus JS, Hotwire/Turbo, Stimulus Reflex, UJS, HTML, CSS, SCSS, SASS, Stylus, ERB, HAML, Slim, Twig, Bootstrap, UiKit, Bulma, TailwindCSS

DEVOPS: AWS family (Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, S3, RDS, SES, SNS, etc), manual deploys (Ubuntu, Debian), RVM, rbenv, NGINX, Puma, Capistrano, Heroku, Render

TESTING: TDD, Rspec, minitest, Capybara, Factory Bot/Girl

SPENT SOME TIME EXPERIMENTING: GraphQL, React, Vue.js, Svelte, Crystal Lang/Lucky Framework, Elixir Lang/Phoenix Framework, Puppeteer, Centrifugo, AnyCable, Jekyll, Bridgetown


ENV & TOOLS: Ubuntu Linux, VSCode, Postman, DBeaver

A constant learner, I pick up new stuff quickly.

I never break a deadline because I know a secret.

P.S. Folks will be like: wait, what? A Rails exception screenshot for cover image? This is unattractive! And I'm like: fear not, my friend, I can handle all the exceptions in the world!