Full Stack Web Developer with Experience Launching Hybrid Mobile App
Informations privéesDescription
• Created GroupUp, an iOS app to find and form local groups (live on the App Store – visit groupup.club)
• Built with the Ruby on Rails web framework (backend) and the UIKit SDK (frontend), using the Turbo Native framework to reuse HTML views across both a web app and an iOS app
• Used the Hotwire frameworks (Turbo, Stimulus, and Turbo Native) to create a native, app-like experience
• Handled authentication from both the native client and a web app without the use of any gems
• Reduced memory-usage on the application server by directly uploading assets to Cloudinary server from both web views and a native client with Active Storage integration
• Created a toast alert system using a Shoelace web component and a Stimulus controller
• Used CSS and responsive design principles to display the application appropriately on clients of all sizes
• Designed the GroupUp logo using Canva