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RESTful API nerd

Fresh out of the army I decided to join Fullstack Academy's PERN stack bootcamp. About halfway through when we started getting freedom to explore more technologies and implement them in our projects I discovered Rails. Immediately I knew I had no more interest in pursuing a role as a JS developer and it's been full steam ahead for Rails. Now that I'm graduated and job searching I'm spending every day honing my Rails skills and learning all that I can. Recently I put my skills to the test for my final project for the bootcamp. Myself and five others were tasked with building a mobile app, which we decided to use a Rails API at my request. I was the only one comfortable with Rails, so the task of actually building the API was left to me. While the others were doing wireframes, figma mock ups, and starting to get the React Native app going I created the DB schema and built the entirety of our back end, from endpoints to devise user authentication. I've recently started diving more into Active Record and learning how to use associations to the fullest. It's made my work on my most recent project much easier than I thought it would be. I have an extreme passion for Rails and I'm learning every day. I'm confident that I will excel in any junior role I step into. I'm incredibly persistent and a self starter. If there's a skill I need to get something done that I don't already have, by the end of the day I'll have thoroughly researched it and began to figure out what I'm doing a bit better. Becoming a Rails engineer is my dream, and I'll do anything to make that happen.

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Bitten by a Radioactive Gem & Imbued with Super Programming Powers!

... I remember, as a young child - old enough to read, but still viewing the larger world through a lens of magic - one fateful day, I resolutely decided what I "would be when I grew up". That day was the day I realized that someone was paid money - as a job - to draw comic books - and THAT was my destiny. I held fast to that choice for a number of years, until college actually, when I discovered computer programming. And so, faced with choosing between the art degree I had worked toward for so long, and changing majors to computers, I decided neither one would do. Two bachelors degrees later, I stepped into the workforce knowing, although it stung to forgo my comic book artist dream, that the challenges in the tech field would be far more rewarding. Roughly 17 years, 21 weeks, and 6 days ago, I watched some guy with a funny accent live code a blog in like 5 minutes. I became instantaneously enthralled with this "Ruby on Rails" framework, but most especially, the Ruby language. The first official 1.0 release of Ruby on Rails wouldn't happen until later that year, but I was hooked. As a side project, I built my first Rails app - a drag and drop photo scrapbooking web app. My young hubris was sure it was a million dollar project. It never made a million bucks, but it was an impressive demo of my work, especially considering the draconian state of cross-browser compatibility at the time (Internet Explorer 6 still had a large share of the market). And so, in January of 2006, I jumped headlong into the wild west of professional Ruby on Rails development. Here I am 17 years later, I'm still glad I did. I've learned a lot since then. Being a part of that early Ruby community opened me to a slew of new ideas and technology - agile methodologies, extreme programming, test driven development, pair-programming, among many others. While it may not have the gravitas of drawing Super-Peep KAPOW-ing an Evil-Doer on the comic page, I do get to use technology I'm passionate about to craft things that make a difference.

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