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Full Stack Engineer | Ruby On Rails | ReactJS | Hotwire | Turbo | Stimulus | TailwindCSS

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I'm Veteran Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer with ReactJS expertise. Proficient in Hotwire, Turbo, Stimulus, JavaScript, AWS, Github, Heroku, and various other technologies. Skilled in self-management for independent projects and a collaborative team player. I have worked in different domains like healthcare, legal, security, construction, social media and others. I'm passionate about coding, especially in Ruby with the magic of Rails making things smooth sailing. I've built plenty of projects, and now I'm excited about combining Ruby on Rails with AI. I'm skilled with Git, RSpec, and handling databases. I also know my way around frontend tech like ReactJS and AngularJS, as well as integrating APIs. I've led small developer teams back home, using tools like GitHub, GitLab, JIRA, and Linear. I'm fluent in Gujarati, English, and Hindi, making communication a breeze. As a remote developer, I'm here to turn your ideas into reality. Whether it's working solo or coordinating a team, count me in to get the job done. I can provide a wide range of services that are designed to attract attention and cater to the most searched for needs. Here are some examples of the services I offer. -> Web application development -> Font-end UI/UX development -> Back-end REST APIs development -> Application deployments on cloud -> Version upgrades -> Technical lead for teams -> Application maintenance or support -> Technical consultation -> Project management -> Problem solving -> Small project to large (feature, enhancement, bug, issues)

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ROR software developer and penetration Tester

Hello, I am a dedicated and hard working person who believes in honesty and good working relation. I am graduate in Information Technology from well-known university. My education background helps me to perform according to my client’s expectations. I have excellent hands on experience in Ruby on Rails. I build web-applications in Ruby on Rails platform which using various Gems and Configuration like Full-stack web development in Ruby On Rails, Rest-APIs, FASTJSONAPIs. Also i am very good at Ruby Gems and its configuration or customization for any gems like Devise, Cancancan, Rolify, Simplecalendar, Faker, FastJSON-API, Stripe, Pgsearch, wicked, Active Admin, Mini Magic, Carrierwave, Fog and long list for these gems. Apart from this i am Ec-council's certified ethical hacker and penetration tester. I can test security level of any web applications and finding bugs from that and help client's to secure their web application. I have worked with very usefull hacking tools like Burpsuite, Netsparker, Acunetix, Ettercap, Aircrack, Nmap, Wireshark, Metasploit etc.. and also familiar with Kali linux, parrot os for hacking. Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing (VAPT) I will identify security loopholes in web applications that could allow malicious users to access your system and damage your reputation and customer's trust. The VAPT covers all major security standards around the globe including OWASP, SANS, CERT, PCI, ISO27001 etc..

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Former Biotechnologist now turned Ruby on Rails Developer

After a decade of working in the biotech industry, I've made the decision to pursue my passion for technology by becoming a software engineer. Since I was young I have always had an interest in technology, from designing and building a website in raw HTML in high school on how to build a potato launcher with nothing but an HTML for Dummies book to creating a data tracking tool that trended assay/equipment metrics, decreasing the number of run failures in an Oncology genetics laboratory. I earned my certificate from the Turing School of Software and Design in August 2023, with a specialization in Back-End development. Since my graduation, I have been actively engaged in diverse software projects. I've taken on the challenge of creating an inventory management system for Free Little Libraries, a personal side project. Additionally, I'm currently interning at the Turing School of Software and Design, where I'm involved in the implementation of an automated attendance application to support our instructors. Simultaneously, I hold a part-time contract position with Software for Research, where I contribute to the advancement of software solutions for clinical research within the behavioral sciences at academic institutions. My passion for software development, paired with hands-on experience, has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to excel in the world of technology and contribute effectively to any team or project.

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