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Mid-level full stack Rails Dev looking for immediate placement.

In the fall of 2017 I enrolled in Case Western Reserve University's Coding Bootcamp, a 26 week program dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of Full Stack Web Development. Entering the course with no coding experience, I found myself struggling with certain concepts, but through determination I was able to gain a sturdy foundation for a future in web development. After completing the course in April 2018, I was able to get my foot in the door at Bravo Wellness as a QA Automation Engineer. After 2 years in that role, the company decided to transition to an entirely new platform that would be created using the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework. The new software was called "Ovation" and I had the tremendous opportunity to learn from some great people (who I still keep in touch with via Discord & Slack). Shortly after Bravo Wellness was acquired by Medical Mutual I was offered an excellent opportunity with another local shop. Second Generation is a fast-paced small team where I continued to grow as a RoR developer; honing both my back end and front end skills. After some time I found my niche integrating two third-party providers via custom-built widgets. Unfortunately, in May 2024, due to cutbacks I've found myself looking for my next great adventure. I'm certainly open to suggestions, so stop by my Contact & Resume page for my professional networking links and contact information as well as my most current resume.

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This is Shivam, a ROR developer with 6+ years of experience. I am writing to apply for your position as ROR Developer. This exciting opportunity appears to be a wonderful fit with my professional experience, personal interests, and career goals.

Hello, I hope you're having a wonderful day. This is Shivam, a ROR developer with 6+ years of experience. I am writing to apply for your position as ROR Developer. This exciting opportunity appears to be a wonderful fit with my professional experience, personal interests, and career goals. Reasons to work with me: • 6+ years of experience • MS Degree in Computer Science • Excellent interpersonal skill • Analytical and problem solving skill • Great team player. I can help you with: • Solving problems, solving issues and refactoring, fixing bugs • Creating new features and building projects from scratch • Server works (Google Cloud, AWS, Heroku, dedicated servers, VPS) • Building micro services, APIs, back-end services, scaling and replication setup • Optimizing and refactoring code base of the existing services • Looking for new solutions for the existing services • MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, InfluxDB integrations • Elasticsearch, sphinx search and manticore search integrations • Integrating payments solutions • Machine learning and algorithmic solutions Skills: ✅ Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails,Turbolinks, ElasticSearch/SOLR, React.js ✅ Application/Web Servers: Thin, Puma, Unicorn, WebBrick ✅ Database Management Systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL ✅ Development Tools: Git, Docker ✅ Methodologies: Agile, SCRUM, Kanban Feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Shivam Maurya

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