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Ruby on Rails expert with business development mindset | WideFix Founder

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I build Ruby on Rails applications that work. I deliver solutions quickly with high quality so that they can be deployed to production right away. No need for babysitting and additional QA. I always prefer simple solutions for complicated problems. I believe that for all complicated tasks, the solutions are simple.

The things where I'm the most productive are: performance optimization, production bugs debugging and fixing, and data analyzing (SQL), developing features with complicated business logic.

Some facts about me:
- Author of the book Rake Task Management Essentials [https://www.packtpub.com/product/rake-task-management-essentials/9781783280773]
- Ruby on Rails contributor - https://contributors.rubyonrails.org/contributors/andrey-koleshko/commits
- Added "sendemail" matched to rspec-rails gem - https://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails/pull/2670
- Author several gems admitted by the Ruby community:
-- https://github.com/widefix/actual
-- https://github.com/ka8725/migration
- Blog author: https://blog.widefix.com/
- Developing my own product (organized a team and managing the product and the team): https://github.com/widefix/pocketmoney/
- Previously, software engineer at Toptal and Hubstaff.