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Ruby on Rails Engineer

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As a Ruby on Rails Engineer with a sharp eye for optimization and scalability, I’ve always had a knack for breaking down complex problems and building elegant solutions that work for both the user and the system. My journey started in college when I found myself fascinated by the logic behind web applications. Once I built my first simple site using Ruby, I was hooked—it felt like creating something from nothing and was both challenging and exciting. Since then, I’ve honed my craft, focusing on scaling applications, optimizing database performance, and implementing robust, user-friendly APIs. One of my recent milestones was leading a team to overhaul a legacy Rails application that was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. We implemented a well-structured CI/CD pipeline, reduced technical debt by refactoring old code, and created automated tests that improved the deployment speed and reliability. The project ended up reducing operational downtime by 30% and was a game-changer for the team and the company. It's moments like these that show the true impact of thoughtful development. What sets me apart is my unique blend of deep technical skills and the ability to look at the bigger picture. I don’t just focus on writing code; I focus on writing code that serves a larger goal—whether it's optimizing for speed, ensuring long-term scalability, or creating a seamless user experience. I’m always looking for new ways to improve, whether it’s diving into the latest development tools or experimenting with creative problem-solving techniques. I’m passionate about bringing innovative ideas to life and helping teams overcome challenges that seem insurmountable. If a solution doesn’t exist, I’ll build it. If there’s room for improvement, I’ll find it. My goal is always to push boundaries, refine processes, and elevate the product. You can count on me to not just meet expectations but to exceed them—because when things get tricky, that's when I thrive.

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A considerate and collaborative developer

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The first programming book I read was "Learn Ruby the Hard Way" by Zed Shaw. That, coupled with an interest in graphic design seemed like a gateway into a very enjoyable career where I could be logical and creative! Shortly after, I joined a bootcamp in 2016. I've worked with quite a few frameworks and libraries since 2016. Here's what I've learned: - Ruby is super fun, Rails is not dead, convention-over-configuration is my preference whenever possible. - JavaScript is cool but the front-end world can be exhausting; too much reinventing the wheel and forgetting about web fundamentals. - I enjoy CSS a lot. - Hotwire and Stimulus are a very cool approach to efficiently providing a user with a SPA-like experience - I'm proficient in React but like to keep it simple, sustainable, composable. I strive to find the appropriate balance of simplicity and complexity in order to: - meet the project needs - be considerate of fellow developers who will need to read, understand, work with the code I write - enable Junior devs to step into the codebase and understand/mimic/extend the codebase. Unique Traits: - Trilingual (English, Spanish, French) - Education background (I can mentor Junior devs) Positive Traits: - Passionate about good quality - Tenacious Personal focus: - I've been focused on diving deeper into the Rails ecosystem and my aim is to find a role with a company using Rails + Hotwire, or Rails + React. - Docker NOTE: The link "Website" link in my bio is Github. I'm currently redoing some portfolio projects.

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