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A considerate and collaborative developer

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The first programming book I read was "Learn Ruby the Hard Way" by Zed Shaw. That, coupled with an interest in graphic design seemed like a gateway into a very enjoyable career where I could be logical and creative! Shortly after, I joined a bootcamp in 2016. I've worked with quite a few frameworks and libraries since 2016. Here's what I've learned: - Ruby is super fun, Rails is not dead, convention-over-configuration is my preference whenever possible. - JavaScript is cool but the front-end world can be exhausting; too much reinventing the wheel and forgetting about web fundamentals. - I enjoy CSS a lot. - Hotwire and Stimulus are a very cool approach to efficiently providing a user with a SPA-like experience - I'm proficient in React but like to keep it simple, sustainable, composable. I strive to find the appropriate balance of simplicity and complexity in order to: - meet the project needs - be considerate of fellow developers who will need to read, understand, work with the code I write - enable Junior devs to step into the codebase and understand/mimic/extend the codebase. Unique Traits: - Trilingual (English, Spanish, French) - Education background (I can mentor Junior devs) Positive Traits: - Passionate about good quality - Tenacious Personal focus: - I've been focused on diving deeper into the Rails ecosystem and my aim is to find a role with a company using Rails + Hotwire, or Rails + React. - Docker NOTE: The link "Website" link in my bio is Github. I'm currently redoing some portfolio projects.

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Seasoned Ruby on Rails that focuses on building value for customers

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Throughout my 15+ years of working as a software developer I sought out different work environments in order to get a feel for the entire software development industry. I started by working at a large consultancy. After learning the basics of working as a team and with clients I decided to take a shot a running my own consultancy. This is when I started Bitpop. During these years I learned about the many positives and negatives of running your own business but more importantly I learned how to really listen to customer needs. My next adventure took me to working at a pure product company (FiveStreet) where I was the first engineer hire and ended up being acquired by Realtor.com. This gave me a different POV on how to develop a product. Finally, I co-founded Cetus Labs and developed Octopi. I was the CTO for a mission critical application that helps the shipping industry track its cargo. We were acquired by Navis where I currently work at as a Director of Engineering. My current responsibilities include managing a team of 10+ remote developers and being one of the senior architects for the platform. I like to collaborate with other developers and discuss ideas before writing code. I believe that balance is the key to a successful product. I see software as a tool to solve problems and increase the bottom line. I believe that there is no perfect code base but we should strive to make it the best possible. I believe that keeping our team happy is as important as keeping customers happy. Other things I enjoy include running around and screaming with my daughter, creating music, astronomy, reading books, imagining stories and movies (if my daughter lets me watch something other than Monsters Inc.).

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Ruby on Rails + React

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Source contributor

As a contractor, I have helped several companies implement new features, prototype MVPs, build greenfield apps, clean up technical debt, and standardize the codebase. I am experienced with the full-stack and can also contribute with DevOps (backend) and UI (frontend) implementations. I am an open-source contributor and core member of Bridgetown. Some exciting passion projects I am currently building include a React CMS for Bridgetown, a ViewComponent library for Rails, and an online listing marketplace for my region at centralcoastclassifieds.com. I maintain a tech blog at mugenruby.com and cross-post articles on other blog sites. SKILLS Soft: I’m a great listener and communicator, empathetic towards the users of products I build, organized, adapt quickly to change and manage my time well. Hard: HTML/CSS, JavaScript/StimulusJS/React, Ruby/Rails, ActiveRecord/SQL, Git, AWS S3/SES, Email service providers, Relational data modeling, REST, RSpec/MiniTest, Error Monitoring/debugging, building/implementing APIs and webhooks, Redis, ElasticSearch, Stripe Connect. Projects I have done Built a peer-to-peer marketplace that allows users to search for items to rent from sellers. Sellers are required to connect a bank account via Stripe Connect before being able to create listings. ActionCable-powered chat feature with email reminders and read receipts Location-based searching with Searchkick and Opensearch (ElasticSearch equivalent) Calendar style booking system with confirmation settings and payment system Created an online application process to collect information from applicants looking to join a real estate listing service. Applicants are prompted to pay online, receive status emails, and digitally sign documents. Staff users can manage applications via filtering, updating the status of the application to denote its stage in the process, request payments and signatures, and create events links that are populated and sent out via email. PDF generated with data from the applications filled by users. Generation of PDF triggers actions that involve callbacks, API calls, and emailing users, and ability to download signed PDF via email or UI. Various API calls and listening for web hooks during the digital signing process via Docuseal’s service. Involves uploading pre-filled PDF as a template, calling it again when requested for signature, and listening for an event to indicate it was completed. Stripe Checkout integration with custom line items, redirects, and object instantiation upon successful payments. Built a questionnaire builder that allowed users to create questions organized by custom surveys. Referenced existing Figma screens and translated the user flow into code. Hotwired-heavy frontend with use of Turbo Frames and Turbo Streams. Use of StimuluJS for dynamically adding/removing question fields, tabs, and modals. Designed the data model relations from ground up.

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Experienced Lead Ruby on Rails Engineer

Results-driven engineering manager with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience in software development and leadership roles. I am passionate about both developing people and delivering high-quality software solutions. Throughout my career, I have successfully led cross-functional teams, fostering collaboration and driving innovation. Proficient in multiple programming languages and disciplines, I have consistently embraced new technologies and methodologies to stay at the forefront of industry trends. I believe in a growth mindset and have actively pursued continuous learning opportunities, earning certifications in AWS cloud services to enhance my technical expertise. Notable achievements include rapid growth of the engineering team at B4B Payments following acquisition by Banking Circle Group, demonstrating my ability to deliver results and drive organisational success. I excel in creating a supportive work environment, empowering individuals to reach their full potential and fostering a culture of learning and professional development. As I transition into the next phase of my career, I am excited to leverage my extensive experience and leadership skills as an engineering manager or VP of Engineering in either larger companies or dynamic startups. I am open to exploring opportunities outside the financial services industry and look forward to driving technological innovation and building high-performing teams in new domains.

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2 Years Rails Junior Developer Experience

At CLUSTERCUBE, successfully delivered innovative solutions for internal self projects while also providing consulting services for external clients. Used Ruby on Rails and front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop feature-rich web applications tailored to client requirements as... EmpregosIT: A unique opportunity to contributed significantly to the restructuring of a website, playing a key role in the website overhaul and refactoring efforts. Implemented new internal systems aimed at optimizing administrative processes. Applied design expertise to style both new and existing components. Collaborated closely with the team on feature enhancement, bug fixing, and the seamless integration of additional functionalities and contributed to bolstering system security measures.. IncentiveHouse : A system aimed at business management. I engineered and implemented a streamlined Image Edit System, allowing clients to effortlessly request and monitor multiple image edits within the business management platform. Cligest: At Cligest, a medical and pharmaceutical services company, I was involved in the development and maintenance of a document management platform. My contributions focused on implementing document management features and ensuring security and compliance with healthcare industry regulations. Universidade Nova: I worked closely with the Universidade Nova on the development and maintenance of the Methis project. This online platform was designed to assist doctors and nurses in the remote monitoring of patients, providing questionnaires, messages, alerts, and voice and video calls. The project is deployed in family health units in the Greater Lisbon area and contributes to the collection of valuable data for scientific research, including studies on chronic diseases and COVID-19.

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