Imagen de portada del desarrollador
Developer's avatar

Collaborative and a problem solver | HTML | CSS | JS | Git | Ruby | Rails | Minitest | Hotwire | RSpec | PostgreSQL | SQLite

Información privada


I adore using Ruby on Rails to create web applications. I consider myself to be a creative person that has a passion for coding.

I love to hear other people's perspectives and draw inspiration from a variety of sources.

My ability to solve difficulties has often assisted me in identifying the root of issues and creating workable solutions.

I have the following certifications from Learn Enough Society:

Learnenough Command Line to be dangerous
Learnenough GIT to be dangerous
Learnenough HTML to be dangerous
Learnenough CSS to be dangerous
Learnenough JS to be dangerous
Learnenough Ruby to be dangerous
Learnenough Ruby on Rails to be dangerous